Situation 1,2
(PIC 799/A321 VVNB W1 VDSR FL320)
Requirements for test taker
Comprehend the information in the chart and traffic situation
Use ICAO standard RTF appropriately and plain English: Communicating with Pilots to handle the traffic.
Interact appropriately with the situation:
– Initiates, maintains exchanges even in unexpected events.
– Checks, confirms, clarifies misunderstandings
Test taker’s chart of the scenario 1,2
MEATR VVNB 230700Z 35006KT 6000 SCT027CB BKN060 24/18 Q1002 NOSIG
MEATR VVDN 230700Z 05003KT 8000 SCT030 BKN027 28/21 Q1003 NOSIG
Interlocutor’s chart of the scenario, situation 1- Hydraulic
Situation 1
1. MAY DAY, MAY DAY, MAY DAY Ha Noi Control, PIC 799, 20NM from NAH pasing FL220 climbing to FL340, we are encountering a Hydraulic problem.
C: what problem, how affect a/c? declare MAYDAY?
P: a Hydraulic problem, a partial failure of flight controls, we are having dificulty with controlling the rudder
C: intention?
P: Request return to NoiBai to land immediately. declaring emergency landing at NoiBai
we can still manage turning the aircraft but it is extremely difficult,
C: Assistance, How can help?
P: Request emergency and technical services on stand by
P: POB 178, Fuel 03 hours 40 min
Interlocutor’s chart of the scenario, situation 2 hydraulic
Situation 2
P: Ha Noi Control, PIC 799, 20NM from NAH pasing FL220 climbing to FL340, requesting immediate decent and return to land at Noi Bai airport due a technical problem.
C: nature of emergency, problem?
P: we have dificulty controlling the aircraft because of a Hydraulic problem.
(have difficulty excuting turns, unable to turn H …, request heading…)
C: intention next? any assistance?
P: We request emergency landing at Noi Bai
P: Request emergency assistance on stanby.
we need fire services and medical service on stand by
P: POB 178, Fuel 03 hours 40 min
Situation 3
(FPL – CCA 542/B738 VTBS A206 VHHH FL310)
(FPL – CSN 771/B738 VHHH A206 OMDB FL260)
Requirements for test taker
Comprehend the information in the chart and traffic situation
Use ICAO standard RTF appropriately and plain English: Communicating with Pilots to handle the traffic.
Interact appropriately with the situation:
– Initiates, maintains exchanges even in unexpected events.
– Checks, confirms, clarifies misunderstandings
Interlocutor’s chart of the scenario, situation 3, turbulence
P: Ha Noi Control, CCA 542, just passing over VIN, mataning FL 31 0, request decend to FL 250 due to severe turbulence.
C: possible: roger, you have turbulence can you decend to FL 270 due traffic?
P: we can decend initially FL 270
P: CCA 542, we are still in turbulence, we can see a clear area on our radar to the north, request heading 030 to avoid.
C: heading 030 appvored
P: HN cotrol, we ve got a problem now, one of the Cabin crew has fallen and seriously injured his head. His condition is deteriorating.
C: confirm, intention?
P: WE are requesting priority landing at a nearest suitable airport
C: suggest Phu Bai or Da Nang airport.
P: are there appropriate medical servises and an ambulence on stanby at that airport?
C: possible request: POB and fuel remaining
P: POB 155, FOB 01 hours 30 min.
Situation 1
P: Ha Noi Control, AAR733 over TEBAK and passing FL 240 to FL 160, we have engine failure on number 2 engine, request immediate decent to FL 160.
C: Understand, number 2 engine failure, decend to FL 160. (are you declaring an emergency? )
P: decending to FL 160, now both engines are out, it is gonna be an emergency, request emergency landing at NOi Bai airport.
C: any assistance?
P: WE request emergency services on stand by.
C: possible request: POB and fuel remaining
P: POB 155, Fuel 01 hours 30 min.
request emergency landing RWY 29L if APP control
Situation 2
P: ` Ha Noi Control, AAR733 over TEBAK and maintaining FL 240, we have engine failure on number 2 engine, request immediate decent to FL 160.
C: Undersatand, engine failure, decend to FL 160, (are you declaring an emergency?)
P: Affirm, declaring an emergency landing at NOi Bai airport, decending to FL 160, now we are suspecting a fuel leak supplying our number 2 engine..
C: any assistance?
P: WE request fire fingting units on stand by/on arrival. (fire trucks)
C: possible request: POB and fuel remaining
P: POB 155, Fuel 01 hours 30 min.
request emergency landing RWY 29L if APP control
Situation 3
P: Ha Noi Control, CCA 542, just passing VIN, mataning FL 31 0, request decend to FL 250 due to severe turbulence.
C: possible: roger, you have turbulence can you decend to FL 270 due traffic?
P: affirm FL 270,
P: CCA 542, we are still in turbulence, we can see a clear area on our radar to the north, request heading 030 to avoid.
C: heading 030 appvored
P: HN cotrol, we ve got a problem now, one of the Cabin crew has fallen and seriously injured his head. His condition is deteriorating.
C: confirm, intention?
P: WE are requesting immediate landing at a nearest suitable airport
C: suggest Phu Bai or Da Nang airport.
P: are there appropriate medical servises and an ambulence on stanby at that airport?
C: possible request: POB and fuel remaining
P: POB 155, FOB 01 hours 30 min.